Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Posting Crazy


Hello, it has been quite some time sense I've made any posts to this blog, but you should start seeing a lot more posts here and at my many other blogs.

I've been working my rear off on my site We-All-Profit.Biz! It's a membership site still in the works and will be up and running once the guys at PayBox get off their butts and fix an error or even contacting me would be nice... but that's another matter.

But if they do not hurry up I'll have to shell out a few bucks on aMember. It's a little more than what I need or want, but it will most defiantly do.

Also I'm now using Windows Live Writer to make posts to six sites that I work on, it makes it really easy to work off-line and then publish it when I'm good and ready.

Later, and remember that I'm going to be publishing a whole lot more so keep your eyes peeled.

This Has Been a Memo From the Desk of:

Robert H. Atchison Jr.

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