Monday, July 28, 2008

Debt an American Way of Life

My fellow Americans! Is it just me or does the whole world seem to be a little distressed over the rising cost of fuel, food, and the general cost of living? Also the declining job market, low wage increases, companies leaving the good old USA in favor of countries where they can pay far ten to twenty people what they have to pay one of us Americans... plus they work harder and longer which increases productivity.

Now this is just my opinion and should not be in any way a view of reality, but companies like Fruit of the Loom that closes the doors of companies like Vanity Fair should have their products removed form every single shelf in every single store in America. Their company should be burned from the face of the Earth. After all their are other companies that make t-shirts and underwear.

The companies like this are one of the main causes for the lack of jobs and increase of debt in our country. If things don't get better soon some of our fellow people having a strong need to live may start taking things into their own hands by robbing, raping, killing, rioting, and all of the bad stuff that falls into those categories even more than they do now.

Then you have these software companies that charge your an arm and a leg for their games and systems and some even charge you monthly fees helping to take even more hard earned money form the mouths of our nations children.

Lets take a look at one of my favorite games World of WarCraft by Blizzard Entertainment! Now this is a company that charges you $19.95 to buy their game and then turn around and charge you $14.95 a month to play the bloody thing. Now here is the kicker... they have over 1,000,000,000 people playing this game but to make it a bit easier we will figure on just one million.

Say one million paid $19.95 for just World of WarCraft not counting The Burning Crusade... which would net Blizzard a few million because the stores have to get their cut. Forget about that let's take that same million and have them pay $14.95 a month and Blizzard makes a whopping $14,950,000.00 a month or a mind blowing $179,400,000.00 a year.

Now if they only charged $5 per month they would still make over five million dollars each and every month and that should be more than enough to run something that they already have setup and running. These greedy bastards have had more than their share and I'm adding to their riches at $179.40 a year for myself and double that because my wife has an account so I pay $358.80 a year!

That's more than my monthly rent, water, and trash all combined. They are not the only software company that is bleeding us dry look at Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo they all want way too much for their systems and too much for the games. The systems and the games should all cost half of what we are being charged.

Oil companies are dry fucking us until our asses bleed and we scream in pain! Sorry for such graphic use of terms but it is how I feel and thus needed for accurate depictions of how I see this matter! Companies like Shell, BP, Chevron, and others have made billions over the last few months, it's no telling how much these kind and generous people have made form squeezing every last cent from people around the world.

Oh, and if any company wants me to remove their name from this list I can be bought for a couple hundred thousand to a couple million... maybe! Just contact me I'll be happy to accept free products like games, systems, electronics, gas, cars, houses, boats, whatever. ;)

BlackBerry Curve

July 17, 2008

A couple of weeks ago I got a BlackBerry Curve and so far it has been a real good phone aside form not having a built in video camera and voice memo which would be really nice. So far I've had no use for the GPS or the satellite radio.

I use it mainly to check my email, check my stocks, make phone calls, keep notes, play a couple of games, listen to music, read e-books, and stuff like that. I would have more use for the video player if I could make my own videos of me and my wife... well it's the truth, the only other thing that I deem worth making videos of are my kids.

Once the new update to the OS comes out some time later this year it is supposed to have video and voice notations capabilities which will be great for perverts like myself. It could come in handy for web-casts and such, or news events like a wreck or shooting.

I only wish that they had more games available along with, the micro SD card slot was easier to get to like the BlackJack that my wife has... having to remove the battery to add or change SD cards really, really, really sucks.

For the price that AT&T charges for the bloody phone it should come with a two gig micro SD card, case with a belt clip, blue-tooth ear piece, and other little odds and ends at no extra cost. That would have been really nice to have had a packaged deal like that... they even forgot to ask if I have a corporate discount, which I do!

I really like being able to sync my BlackBerry calendar with my Google calendar, so I do not need to check my phone all of the time... plus it is a really easy way to share events and such with my wife and allows her to mark events on my Google calendar so when I sync with my BlackBerry my wife and I can keep up to date with events when I'm at work. Things like doctors appointments, the kids school events, movies we may want to watch, a birthday that I would otherwise forget, and other stuff like that.

The one thing that I want the most out of my little BlackBerry Curve is some software for my computer that would allow me to take a DVD movie and make it about 100 to 200 megabytes, make ring tones, make e-books, compile Java games, and so on. One program to do it all would be very nice, be a couple would do... so if some programmer that feels all gun-ho and should create such useful programs please by all means send me a copy of your finished work, I would be happy to like to any such programs from this little post.

So all in all I would have to give the BlackBerry Curve four out of five fingers put them wherever you like. Sorry... I've got a rather odd sense of humor, you'll have to excuse me! I have to get back to World of WarCraft.

Summer Cleaning Fun

July 18, 2008

 Yeah it Summer and time for fun in the sun, but sometimes we get a we get a little lazy, a little wrapped-up in fun, a little to busy to clean out all the old junk at we collect and just lay down with every intention on moving but somehow months later it's still right where we put it down... but now it's been joined by a few friends.

You know the friends that I'm talking about... dust-bunnies, cob-webs, and other little surprises that magically appear out of thin air. No-one ever knows where this stuff comes from, but never-the-less they get there and they need to be removed.

Cleaning during the Summer in just a part of our everyday life and if you do a little each and every day you will have a less stuff to do in the long-run. I rather make a to-do list of all the tasks that need to be done and set a time frame for each task. I try to leave about an extra half an hour to complete each task just in case I need a little extra time to finish a task before I start a new one.

This is just basic cleaning, not organizing, and decorating. It does not take much time, energy, or money to get the job done. A rag, a trash bag, some glass cleaner and Pledge is all that's really needed. Just take a couple of minutes twice a week to wipe the dust off your things, clean the computer and TV screens, throw away junk mail, trash, and other items that have been left lying around the house.

It may only take you three to ten minutes to get everything done unless your a little behind and then it could take a few hours to a few days to get everything back in order. Remember to do a little here and there, but whatever you do be sure to finish what you started before you move on to the next task.

Cleaning is a part of everyday life, I'm not the cleanest person just ask my wife! When I start cleaning I get the job done fast and done right so I can go about my business. I know what needs to be done, I make a plan of how and in what order I'm going to do it and I get it done. It's a real pain sometimes but I know that if it's not done that roaches and other pests are going to have a field-day.

You can make a kind of game out of your cleaning... like say you have ten tasks to do and you set yourself a time limit to do each task, you can award yourself a set number of points, you can even give yourself bonus points if you finish a task sooner than expected. Another thing is set it up where you and your partner if your married rewards each other with sexual delights for each task that is completed with a finishing act when all the tasks are done.

Well that's all for now, I'll have more short and to the point articles to come later this month, but not much later as this month is almost over. I should have had more articles done by now, what happened... damn World of WarCraft!

World of WarCraft (Blood-elf Bandit Mask)

World of WarCraft is a great game, a little over priced to buy and a few dollars per month more than it should be... but a great game none the less! There are so many cool things in World of WarCraft and even more ways to make gold than you can shake a stick at. the Blood Elf Bandit Mask just happens to be one of those rare cool things that is totally useless bit looks cool, does not bind to your toon, and sells for huge amounts in the auction houses.

Farming The Blood Elf Bandit Mask can be done with both Alliance and Horde characters. It is really easy to do using the Draenei, I proffer Hunters because of the use of pets and ranged attacks make it easier to find the Blood Elf Bandit and kill him in hopes that he drops the Mask.

Just in case your not a big fan of the Draenei other races can get there with a lot of running, some fighting, a couple of boat rides, and a flight of two... maybe even some swimming and maybe even death for some. Why because the Blood Elf Bandit is in Azuremyst Isle and appears at random locations along the roads and sometimes in the woods just off the roads.

The Draenei start close to this area! Here is what I would do if I were going to farm this item... first I would create a human and level to about level six to ten, run down to Booty Bay a neutral town and find a spot by a mailbox.

Next I would create a Draenei Hunter and level to about fifteen to twenty so that you can have your pet and a few skills to make the task a bit easier. At level twenty you can get Aspect of the Cheetah that makes you move a bit faster, this would be a big plus. I should only take you about twenty-four hours of game play to reach level twenty if you do all the quests and kill everything that is in your range.

Once you find the Bandit and he starts dropping the masks try to get as many as you can, take breaks... farm for the mask for an hour or two then go work on your skinning, mining, herb gathering, cooking, first-aid, or whatever... or just have a little snack and a cold drink before going at it again.

I once farmed over twenty of these in six and a half hours with about a five to ten minute break each hour, I was a level 21 Draenei Hunter with a level 20 pet. I was able to tear through the bandit with ease without even getting hit sometimes. I was stupid and deleted the toon before I remembered that it was the one with all the masks... I selected it by mistake and even typed delete, this really happened at about four am after working on another toon most of the night and getting to level sixteen.

That morning sucked because when I got out of bed and took a shower I sat down, logged in, and looked for my toon. I was socked to see my level 21 hunter going, I was blown away be my lose of the twenty plus masks... I figured that I lost around  2000 gold or more.

Any way here is a link to a site where you can find more information on this item, like where to farm it, maps of the area, how to get there if your horde, and so on. It's all really simple and just takes time to farm... you do not have to have a high level toon but it sure speeds things up a bit.

Here are the sites to visit for more information on this item... Thottbot, The Best WoW Gold Guide. This should have you well on your way to making some serious gold or at the very least have some cool looking twinks, have the item enchanted to make it even cooler.

You Know You've Been Playing World of WarCraft Too Much When

Are you a die-hard World of WarCraft player? Do you sometimes see abbreviations for words in the media, road signs, bill boards, on other web sites, and automatically associate them with terms form World of WarCraft?

If your answer is yes to these simple questions then maybe, just maybe you play just a little bit two much World of WarCraft.

  1. D.O.T | Department of Transportation is easily mistaken for Damage Over Time, a popular effect in World of WarCraft.
  2. When you refer to people you don't like as MOB's.
  3. When you refer to your buddies as my hordies.
  4. When you go to the bank and try to deposit things other than money.
  5. You refer to your co-workers as NPC's.
  6. You refer to your vehicle as your mount.
  7. Chores around the house is thought of as grinding.
  8. You suddenly feel the urge to brake out into an 80's dance.
  9. You go into the grocery store looking for Savory Deviate Delight.
  10. You go into clubs and bars looking for fights.
  11. You go into the Airport and ask where the flight point is.
  12. When you write to people in real life you use abbreviations like... ppl, lol, rotflmao, nube, df, omg, tmi, mats, and the list just goes on and on.
  13. You look for reasons to miss school or work just to stay home and play the game.
  14. Your forty and over weight, don't take a bath but once a week, get off of your computer just to get something to eat (may come from the fridge below desk), use the toilet to take a dump, take shower Tuesdays, and pee in a jug.
  15. Have posters of the game all over your room.
  16. Have World of WarCraft plates, glasses, clocks, watches, tooth brushes, lunch boxes, sheets, action figures, books, and cards.
  17. When on a date you ask your date what WoW toon they are and if they answer the faction that you don't like you dump them.
  18. If you become a hunter in hopes of taming a wild beast such as a bear.
  19. You go into a shop and ask if they have any epic gear.
  20. You spend time thinking of ways to make more gold and forget to pay the power-bill.
  21. You make have thirty level 70 toons and pick on new guys.
  22. All you dream about is how sexy that Blood Elf was you saw a few hours earlier.
  23. You place an ad on a dating site looking for a SBEFM NS WLSAL... (Single Blood Elf Female Non-smoker, who likes sex a lot)! What else could it be... gee people.
  24. You go to the pawn shop to and ask to buy items like Lightbringer Faceguard.
  25. You buy every guide that comes out and refer to them daily.
  26. Your whole life revolves around the Game.
  27. You don't think $14 a month is too much to pay per month to play a game.
  28. The lack of a single player option does not phase you.
  29. You spend real cash to buy weapons, armor, and gold from others or pay others to power-level your toon.
  30. You only go out side when you have to go to Walmart to get another Game Card or the latest expansion out.
  31. You want to make war not love.
  32. You feel that your life is not complete unless your in the game.
  33. The only friends you have are the ones in your guild and you know them all on a first name basis.
  34. You never talk about anything unless you can make a refence to World of WarCraft... i.e. Jim tells you he got a promotion at the pace where you both work and you say that you got promoted three times last night refering to your guild rank.
  35. On reaching level 70 you jump for joy, do a back flip. and run around the house nacked.
  36. You want everyone you know to bare wittness to you soloing a five-man dungeon.
  37. Heving sex wastes your gaming time.
  38. Your kids have to fight to get you to play ball with them.
  39. Your wife/husband devorcies you because you rather spend time playing the game and you could care less.
  40. Your late for a ferual because you had to complete a few quests and hit the next level, then the next, and maybe start a few new quests.
  41. You dress as a Night Elf for your wedding.
  42. Your know all of your favorite classes skill by heart.
  43. You rather play World of WarCraft all day than anything else.
  44. You want the Wrath of the Linch King to be out now and would be willing to pay a lot extra just to get it.
  45. You hang out in message boards and chat rooms waiting for a chance to show off just how much you know about the game.
  46. It pisses you off when a newbie asks a question that everyone should know... even if you asked the same question when you started.
  47. You only have enough money in your account for a little food or Word of WarCraft and you opt for World of WarCraft.
  48. Hell has frozen over and you peel your butt lose from your chair to freshen up a little before you go at it again in a few hours.
  49. You name your real life kids and pets after your WoW toons.
  50. You don't want to hear that your time could be better spent doing something constructive.

Well that's enough for now, I have some more but they tend to get some what dirtier as I go on. So I've optted for the cleaner shorter aproach, it still covers a broad range of things and many of them are true and that's the sad part... funny but sad none the less.

So that's all for now please check back often for more insite into the zanny World of WarCraft mind of this blogger. I also cover many other topics like Guild Wars, Diablo II, Web-design, Making Money, Sex, Business, Movies, Music, Books, Software, eBooks, Life, and much more.

Friday, July 18, 2008

BlackBerry Curve

July 17, 2008

A couple of weeks ago I got a BlackBerry Curve and so far it has been a real good phone aside form not having a built in video camera and voice memo which would be really nice. So far I've had no use for the GPS or the satellite radio.

I use it mainly to check my email, check my stocks, make phone calls, keep notes, play a couple of games, listen to music, read e-books, and stuff like that. I would have more use for the video player if I could make my own videos of me and my wife... well it's the truth, the only other thing that I deem worth making videos of are my kids.

Once the new update to the OS comes out some time later this year it is supposed to have video and voice notations capabilities which will be great for perverts like myself. It could come in handy for web-casts and such, or news events like a wreck or shooting.

I only wish that they had more games available along with, the micro SD card slot was easier to get to like the BlackJack that my wife has... having to remove the battery to add or change SD cards really, really, really sucks.

For the price that AT&T charges for the bloody phone it should come with a two gig micro SD card, case with a belt clip, blue-tooth ear piece, and other little odds and ends at no extra cost. That would have been really nice to have had a packaged deal like that... they even forgot to ask if I have a corporate discount, which I do!

I really like being able to sync my BlackBerry calendar with my Google calendar, so I do not need to check my phone all of the time... plus it is a really easy way to share events and such with my wife and allows her to mark events on my Google calendar so when I sync with my BlackBerry my wife and I can keep up to date with events when I'm at work. Things like doctors appointments, the kids school events, movies we may want to watch, a birthday that I would otherwise forget, and other stuff like that.

The one thing that I want the most out of my little BlackBerry Curve is some software for my computer that would allow me to take a DVD movie and make it about 100 to 200 megabytes, make ring tones, make e-books, compile Java games, and so on. One program to do it all would be very nice, be a couple would do... so if some programmer that feels all gun-ho and should create such useful programs please by all means send me a copy of your finished work, I would be happy to like to any such programs from this little post.

So all in all I would have to give the BlackBerry Curve four out of five fingers put them wherever you like. Sorry... I've got a rather odd sense of humor, you'll have to excuse me! I have to get back to World of WarCraft.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

uTorrent and Other P2P Software

July 16, 2008

 uTorrent and other P2P software can be very useful tools, but they can also be a plague on software, e-book, game, music, and video producers and take the money from the rightful parties. Yes I've downloaded stuff just because I wanted to know if it was worth $200 or more... but that does not make it right and yes it is the same as steeling.

How-ever not all things done with P2P programs are bad, say your looking for a program or a game that is no longer produced and the copyright is long gone, you search online with no success, so you try a P2P program and boom you found it... Should you download it? Damn straight you should grab it while you have the chance, because it is no telling when someone is going to share this classic gem again.

So weather or not P2P is good or bad depends on the user and what and their intentions. Are they downloading legal or illegal shares? Are they sharing copyrighted works? Do they download movies, music, and games that others have worked their asses off on.

I believe that work deserves compaction and if you want to try that $400 piece of software you should check with the authors website to see it there is a trial version for download. Take the album Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park for example, I really wanted to download the album after I heard the song Given Up on the radio the other-day. But I decided to buy the album and rip the tracks to MP3 so that I could put them on my BlackBerry.

A few years ago I would have downloaded it without a second thought what-so-ever, but now I know better I did download a whole lot of music, movies, games, software, and e-books over a two year span. I did not sell any of it, I did not read all the e-books, install all of the software, games, listen to all the music, or watch all the movies... so is what I did wrong, your damn right it was wrong. I figured that I was not hurting anyone, just collecting stuff for my private use.

Did I ever get busted? No, I never got busted, I just got it it my head one day that it was wrong to download copyrighted works and just stopped. I sorted through all the software that I wanted and wrote the titles down on paper, I did the same for the games, music, movies, and e-books. I then deleted all that were copyrighted works and kept all the stuff that was freeware, open-source, trials, or abandon-ware.

I had over 400 gigs of data stored on an external hard-drive along with about fifty DVD's full of stuff. I have now narrowed my collection down to a wee little sixty gigs of freeware, open-source, abandon-ware, and trial software, games, and e-books.

I have also sorted through the fifty plus DVD's of stuff and copied the stuff that was legal for me to have, like copies of my personal data like music that I got from stores, pictures that I have taken, Divix videos that I made using DVD's that I got from Walmart so that I would not mess-up the originals when I travel.

Now if I could have done that with games like Diablo II, I would have never had to buy three copies of the game due to the lack of quality baggage handlers at the airports and bus stations. I even had a laptop screen get cracked due to some jerk-off not letting me repack my laptop after he removed it to check to see if it was a bomb... but that is another topic all together.

Anyway, I looked over my list of programs and searched for freeware that could do the same things, and then removed that item from my list. I searched for the e-books and found that most of them could be purchased for between $10 to $39 or in packages for as little as $10 that included master resale rights. So I brought and paid for just about every single e-book on my list for about $50 or $60 and now have about 400 to 900 e-books, software, and scripts that I have master resale rights to.

Moving on, I destroyed all of the DVD's that had illegal content on them or content that I did not have the legal right to own would be a better term... using the term illegal content makes it sound like I had hacking tools, kiddie porn (I think these bastards should be hung by their genitals and used as target practice, or slowly lowered into boiling oil at a rate of half an inch an hour)... sorry, I got side tracked, it just pisses me off to no end when some one hurts a child no matter the age, it make me sick... but again I'm sorry and that is a topic for another time.

Anyhow, I narrowed my collection of fifty DVD's down to ten DVD's of graphics, music, movies, e-books, and software that I have every right to! Now I still use uTorrent to find stuff that I can not find anywhere else or is no longer published. I like to search through these titles and see just how many titles are on there that are rips right from the big screen. I have never liked that practice either, I have seen two bootleg DVD's that someone was selling for $5 each and the quality of the video and sound sucked so bad that I told the guy that he should take these and shove them up his a**!

Sorry once again for getting off topic, but I'm the kind of guy that has to have good quality video and sound from a movie. That is why I own 500 DVD movies and the only copies that you will ever see in my home or in my bag at work are movies that I own or have owned and went bad, unless I copied them from my DVR to DVD... but most were pay-per-view, so I paid for them also.

I went from downloading stuff that I had no right to just because I did not have the money for it to saving the money and getting it the right way, buy paying for it. However I don't see why some of the software companies charge so much for their software. Take Microsoft Office at around $300 a pop, you can get the some features from Open Office for free, and look at Photoshop... The Gimp comes really close and with a few tweaks and plug-ins it can give Photoshop a run for its money... because it's free. Again not on topic but you can see that there are other options out there and you that there is no need to download copyrighted works from P2P services and such.

I use Open Office, Firefox, The Gimp, and many other free software. Now I do still use Paint Shop Pro 8 and 9 because I did buy them when they had a sell right from the Jasc website (no longer online)... I believe that they are owned by Corel now.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Posting Crazy


Hello, it has been quite some time sense I've made any posts to this blog, but you should start seeing a lot more posts here and at my many other blogs.

I've been working my rear off on my site We-All-Profit.Biz! It's a membership site still in the works and will be up and running once the guys at PayBox get off their butts and fix an error or even contacting me would be nice... but that's another matter.

But if they do not hurry up I'll have to shell out a few bucks on aMember. It's a little more than what I need or want, but it will most defiantly do.

Also I'm now using Windows Live Writer to make posts to six sites that I work on, it makes it really easy to work off-line and then publish it when I'm good and ready.

Later, and remember that I'm going to be publishing a whole lot more so keep your eyes peeled.

This Has Been a Memo From the Desk of:

Robert H. Atchison Jr.